Dog training tips
Advice,  Dogs

Dog Training Tips

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The rewarding part of dog ownership is dog training. All dogs let alone old or young, can be benefited from learning a few basic commands. Such as stay, leave, sit, down, etc. This article is perfect for you if you’re looking for dog training tips and advice.

How can dogs learn?

If they show a particular behavior that means they are eager to do it again and again.

So, your first duty is to find out what are your dogs’ favorite things and what they really like. You can consider small pieces of cheese or meat as their favorite treats. Your dog will enjoy learning and training if you can provide them with better rewards.

The benefit of training dogs?

If you can teach your dog some basic obedience like waiting, sitting, and coming back, give them something they like to do. They also can come with you to meet family and friends. They will also be safe and under control.

Before starting, we are going to provide you with some tips to help you become successful after starting dog training.

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Dog Training Tips

You must keep your training session short, especially for puppies.

You should be not only patient but also positive. Although dogs are smart, they can take some time to learn new skills. So you shouldn’t be restless.

Consistency is a must for training dogs. You should be a vending machine when you start training your dog or puppy. If they do 10 times out of 10, you should reward them randomly. Don’t give up rewarding altogether. If you do so, your dog may think that listening is not important. But random rewards will keep them trying because they don’t when they will rewarded.

You should train them in a non-distracted environment. It is known that not only puppies but also older dogs are easily distracted. So, try starting your training session in the least distracting environment. You can consider a quiet room in your house. If your dog or puppy can follow your instructions, then you can move outside.

You should try to train your dog before meal times or just after taking a nap. If your dog likes to eat food, train it before a meal because it will ensure their attention. If you have a puppy, you must pay attention to their sleep and wake cycles. You should train your puppy just after taking a nap.

At first, say the cue or command once, and give some seconds for your dog to respond. If it’s just before your training session, you must give the break and try again later.

Whether your dog is food motivated, give them small treats so that they can eat quickly. You also can take larger treats and then break them into small pieces.

They may do something wrong. They also try to create strong bonds with you and your other family members.


Dog Training Tips

Let’s begin the true training now. These are the most popular lessons of dog training:

  • Sitting
  • Leash training
  • Fetching
  • Training dog obedience
  • Potty training
  • Stopping barking

Dog Training Tips for Sitting

It can be helpful for your dog to sit can be helpful in various situations. For these reasons, it has become one of the most important commands for us to teach our puppies or dogs.

How to do it:

When your dog stands in front of you, you can hold a toy or treat before its nose. Keep the treat or toy just in front of their nose and gradually take it up and over its head. If your dog looks up, it must sit. Prevent them from pushing promptly on their bottom or lower back. Just keep in mind that your dog should do it in its own interest.

As soon as is understand the concept, start saying “sit” When you raise your hand to link the gesture with the instruction.

 Training dog obedience

If your dog bolts out the front door or runs off while you’re at the park, knowing that they can come on command may save your life. Start as near to your dog as possible and in the least distracting setting you can find. Choose whether to say “come” or “here” (without using their name) and then, when you are close to them, give the command in a happy voice. Squeak their toy, make noises, or take any other necessary action to capture their interest. Throw a puppy party and act like they’re the greatest thing ever when they come to you. Don’t overdo it if your dog seems anxious from all the attention.

Most crucial, even if your dog takes some time to approach you, never scold or penalize them.

Leash Training Method

Loose-leash walking or Leash training can make walking more enjoyable and safer not only for your dog but also for you. Your first duty is to let your dog normal to your dog’s collar in the house.

When your dog is ready to walk, begin with a short walk and keep the leash loose. You can use a regular retractable leash or a flat leash with a harness.

For teaching Loose-leash training, there are 2 methods that work batter:

  1. When your dog starts to pull, wait for it until it stops pulling. When it does it, you can start walking again. Don’t need to jerk the leash, wait until it can figure it out on its own. When your dog brings its attention to you, the reward is continuing walking.
  2. To encourage your dog, you can use treats to stay by your side. If your dog gets distracted, you can also use a treat or reward for getting its attention and for coming back to you.

Eventually, you can extend the walking time and monitor their progress

Fetch training tips

Some dogs like Labradors or Golden Retrievers find pleasure in fetching. As some dogs can pick it up naturally, for some other dogs you can follow some steps:

You must start it in a small place.

Act like you are excited as the toy, ball, or roll bounces just before your dog, so that, your dog also becomes excited about playing with these.

After tossing the toy or ball a short distance, tell your dog to “fetch”.

Repeat these steps several times.

Training dog aggression (Dog training tips for stopping barking)

Your dog may bark for several reasons like to alert you about something, if they become territorial, to get your attention; or if they become anxious, bored, or excited.

  • When your dog barks to alert you, you can teach your dog to “bark” and “quiet” on command. If it does as your instruction you should reward your dog. Tell your dog “enough” or “quiet” if your dog stops, reward it.
  • If your dog gets afraid, socialization can help to recover this problem. It’s not wise to talk to them too much. Just move them away from where they get scared.
  • If your dog barks just for excitement or your attention, just ignore your dog or puppy. When they quiet down reward them.
  • If your dog barked for feeling bored, they need mental stimulation or enough exercise. If your dog barks in the evening or afternoon, try to walk with them in the morning or keep them busy throughout the day. You can give them a puzzle toy, or a toy to chew on.

Training dog potty (Potty training)

Get your puppy used to a routine by taking them outside first thing in the morning, after meals and naps, and before bed — frequently and on a schedule that is as predictable as possible, even when they are younger.

Set your pup in a similar spot each time so the fragrance affiliation sticks. After your pup does their business, reward them with a treat or uplifting statements.

In the event that you get your pup in the demonstration, snatch them and take them to their assigned potty spot immediately and acclaim them for going. Never rebuff your little dog or push their nose in the pee. On the off chance that they truly do have a mishap, utilize a pee-eliminating compound splash to dispose of the fragrance or you might find your little dog having more continuous mishaps in the equivalent spot.

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